Wyjście z Notepada++ - Notepad++

To exit Notepad++, select Plik->Exit lub naciśnij the close button in the titlebar. If you have any unsaved changes, Notepad++ will ask you if you want to save these changes (or cancel the exit process). When exiting, Notepad++ will save the current session by default (see the section Menedżer sesji) so it will reopen it on the next restart. To change this behavior, see the section Preferencje.

Sometimes, for various reasons (a rogue plugin, or some bug of the operating system), Notepad++ shuts down anomalously in a spontaneous way - it is said to crash. In such a situation, it does two things:

  1. It attempts to save any unsaved data, if any. The results are in %TEMP%\N++RECOV\. Notepad++ will pop message boxes up to inform you of the process.
  2. On closing, it will produce a ~300k binary file called NppDump.dmp. Sending the file to a Notepad++ developer will help them understand the crash and fix the application as soon as possible, so that such events occur on an exceptional basis only. If the culprit is a plugin, the plugin author may be notified with insights into the crash, for them to take action.