Zamykanie plików - Notepad++

In order to close the files you have open, you have multiple options at hand. Remember that if you have any unsaved data in a file, Notepad++ will always ask you if you'd like to save those changes before closing any file.

Primarily, you can close any file by selecting Plik->Zamknij lub naciśnij .

To close all files, select Plik->Zamknij wszystko lub naciśnij .

To close all the files but the active one, select Plik->Zamknij wszystko oprócz aktywnej.

You can also close any tab by clicking on it with the middle mouse button. This way you can close tabs without having to bring them to the foreground. A right click on the tab will invoke a context menu, from which the topmost entry is Zamknij mnie. That works just as well if you have only two mouse buttons.

There is also a setting that allows you to close any tab by doubleclicking on it, or show a close button on each tab (). To see how to do this, see the section about configuring the Tab Bar in the Preferencje - okno ustawień głównch programu.

Finally, you can close any active tab by clicking on the cross in the top-right corner of the menu bar.